User-Defined Types


Classes are defined using the class keyword

aya> class person
aya> person
<type 'person'>


The constructor (__init__) takes any number of optional arguments followed by a self argument. self must always be the last argument in the list:

def person::__init__ {name age self,
    name self.:name;
    age  self.:age;

Create an object with the ! operator:

aya> "Jane" 25 person! :jane;
(person 0x259984df)
aya> jane.age


Like the constructor, a member function takes self as an argument:

def person::greet {self,
    "Hi it's $("

It is called like any other class variable:

aya> jane.greet
"Hi it's Jane"

Operator Overloading

Many operators can be overloaded for user types. Type \? overloadable in the repl for a full list. Many of the standard libraries use this feature to seamlessly integrate with the base library. For example, the matrix library uses it for all math operators:

aya> import ::matrix
aya> [[1 2][3 4]] matrix! :m
[[ 1 2 ]
 [ 3 4 ]]
aya> m 10 + 2 /
[[ 5.5 6 ]
 [ 6.5 7 ]]

It is especially useful when writing libraries for code golf. The asciiart library uses it to create specialized operators on it’s custom string type. Here is a 13 character function for creating a size N serpinski triangle:

aya> 4 "##`#"_\L{I}/
# # # # # # # #
##  ##  ##  ##
#   #   #   #
####    ####
# #     # #
##      ##
#       #
# # # #
##  ##
#   #
# #

Let’s overload the increment operator (B) to increment a person’s age.

Here we modify the object directly

def person::__inc__ {self,
    self.age B self.:age;

Gives us

aya> jane.age
aya> jane B
aya> jane.age

If we don’t want to modify the object but return a modified copy we could have chose to use the $ syntax to pass a copy of the object instead:

def person::__inc__ {self$,
    self.age B self.:age;
    self .# Leave the copy on the stack


aya> jane.age
aya> jane B :jane_older;
aya> jane.age
aya> jane_older.age

Class Variables & Functions

To define a shared class variable, assign it to the class directly:

def person::counter 0


0 person.:counter;

We can then redefine our construtor to keep track of how many times we’ve called the constructor.

Note that we can access counter directly from self but we need to use __meta__ to update it to ensure we are updating the shared variable.

def person::__init__ {name age self,
    name self.:name;
    age  self.:age;
    self.counter 1+ self.__meta__.:counter;

Class functions take the class as an argument:

def person::create_anon {cls,
    "Anon" 20 cls!

They are called with the class (rather than with an instance)

aya> person.create_anon :anon
(person 0x7a1fe926)


Aya classes support single inheritance. We can use the extend operator to create a class that is derived from another class. Here we create an employee class which extends the person class. It will simply add a job field.

Note that extend is not a keyword like class but an operator that takes the class as a symbol argument

::employee person extend;

or more generally

::derived base extend;

Our constructor calls the person constructor with name and age and then adds a job field.

def employee::__init__ {name age job self,
    .# call super constructor
    name age self super.__init__

    .# derived-specific code
    job self.:job;

In the example below, not that employee still calls __repr__ we defined for the person class.

aya> "Bob" 30 "salesman" employee!
person: Bob

We can overload the greet function to include the job:

def employee::greet {self : greeting,
    .# call super greet
    .# must pass `self` to super
    self super.greet :greeting;

    .# append derived-specific greeting to output
    greeting ", I'm a $(self.job)" +

Calling it:

aya> bob.greet
"Hi it's Bob, I'm a Salesman"


In Aya, structs are classes. The struct keyword simply creates a class with a few convience functions already defined.

The syntax is

struct <name> {<member1>, <member2>, ...}

For example, lets create a point struct for representing a 2d point:

struct point {x y}

The constructor is created automatically for us. It takes each member as an argument in the same order they are defined

aya> 3 4 point! :p;
aya> p.x
aya> p.y

__repr__ and __str__ functions are also automatically created:

aya> p
( 3 4 ) point!
aya> p P
"( 3 4 ) point!"


Keywords such as class, struct, and def are not actually keywords at all. They are regular aya functions defined completely in aya code (see base/aya.aya).

Classes, structs, and object instances are simply dictionaries with special meta dictionaries. If you are interested in seeing how these are implemented entirely in aya, read on.

Below is an example of a 2d vector “class” definition written from scratch without using any convience functions. Member functions and overloads work the same as they do for normal classes. The only major difference is object creation (__new__ vs __init__) and the special variables __pushself__ and __type__ at the top of the metatable.



  .# Constructor
  {x y cls,

  .# Member functions

  .# Print overload

  .# Compute vector length
    self.x 2^ self.y 2^ + .^

  .# Operator overload
  {other self,
    other.x self.x +
    other.y self.y +


Special Metatable Variables


__pushself__ tells aya to push a reference of the object to the stack when calling functions on it. It effectively enables the use of self

The symbol assigned to __type__ is used for type checking and overloading the :T (get type) and :@ (is instance) operators.


{x y cls,

Object construction with the ! operator is just a standard operator overload that calls __new__.

Note: For classes, __new__ creates an instance of the object (i.e. self) and then calls __init__ wich takes self as an argument.