Welcome to Aya’s documentation!

Aya is a terse stack based programming language originally intended for code golf and programming puzzles. The original design was heavily inspired by CJam and GolfScript. Currently, Aya is much more than a golfing language as it supports user-defined types, key-value pair dictionaries, natural variable scoping rules, and many other things which allow for more complex programs and data structures than other stack based languages.

Aya comes with a standard library written entirely in Aya code. The standard library features types such as matrices, sets, dates, colors and more. It also features hundreds of functions for working working on numerical computations, strings, plotting and file I/O. It even features a basic turtle library for creating drawings in the plot window.

Aya also features a minimal GUI that interfaces with Aya’s stdin and stdout. The GUI features plotting, tab-completion for special characters, and an interactive way to search QuickSearch help data.

Check out the Tour of Aya section for further information.


This project is under active development.


Aya has its documentation hosted on Read the Docs.